Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Council backs motion against hospital bed closure proposal

EAST Devon District Council has passed a motion to register extreme concern over the potential loss of 71 community hospital beds.The motion, proposed by...

MP slams plans to cut more hospital beds

NEIL Parish has slammed the NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group as local hospitals are set to lose inpatient beds – and has rallied fellow...

Jurassic centre awarded second place in national poll

SEATON Jurassic has scooped the runner-up spot in the category of ‘Best UK Day-out for Families’ at the annual Family Traveller Awards.Owned by East...

Silver delight for Ursula and her ‘In Bloom’ team

BEER was awarded a Silver Gilt at the prestigious Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) Britain in Bloom Awards ceremony in Birmingham earlier this month.It was...

Local businesses nominated for tourism awards

SOME of East Devon’s leading tourism businesses have been chosen for the finals of the Devon Tourism Awards which will be presented at a...

Beer Friends at Exeter conference

THE Beer Friends Group of Cancer Research UK enjoyed an inspiring day at the Cancer Research UK South West Autumn Conference, held at Exeter...

Traveller site planning guidance in consultation

NEW detailed planning guidance designed to help East Devon District Council determine applications for gypsy and traveller sites is currently undergoing consultation.The public has...

String of errors found in council accounts

AN auditor has found “significant issues” with Seaton Town Council’s accounting records.South and West Internal Audit said that the issues meant the council had...

Green wedge plans back on agenda

THE ‘green wedge’ between Colyford and Seaton has been brought to the fore again, as developers have amended previous plans with the hope of building...

Former school colleagues bring the sounds of Africa to Seaton

LOCAL musicians Lorrayn de Peyer from Seaton and David Norrish from Sidmouth first met in Zambia, where they were both aid workers at a...





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